Submission #8893665

Source Code Expand


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

using namespace std;


#define DEBUG 0

#define pb push_back
#define V vector
#define M unordered_map
#define S static

#define rep(i,n) for(ll i=0LL;i<n;++i)
#define srep(i,s,n) for(ll i=s;i<n;++i)
#define rrep(i,n) for(ll i=n-1LL;i>=0LL;--i)
#define ALL(a) (a).begin(),(a).end()
#define CIN(x) do { \
    assert(!cin.eof()); \
    cin >> x; \
    assert(!; \
} while(0);
#define debug_print(...) _debug_print(__VA_ARGS__)
#define debug_printf(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
#define debug_print_time _debug_print_time
#else // DEBUG
#define debug_print(...)
#define debug_printf(...)
#define debug_print_time
#endif // DEBUG

typedef long long ll;
typedef unsigned long long ull;
typedef tuple<ll, ll> t2;
typedef tuple<ll, ll, ll> t3;
typedef tuple<ll, ll, ll, ll> t4;
typedef tuple<ll, ll, ll, ll, ll> t5;
template <typename T>
using priority_queue_incr = priority_queue<T, V<T>, greater<T>>;


template <typename TT, typename T>
T get_m(M<TT, T> &m, TT k, T default_value)
    if (m.find(k) == m.end()) return m[k] = default_value;
    return m[k];

template <typename TT, typename T>
void incr_m(M<TT, T> &m, TT k)
    if (m.find(k) == m.end()) m[k] = 0;

struct UnionFind
    ull *parent, *count, *rank;

    UnionFind(ull n) {
        parent = new ull[n+1];
        count = new ull[n+1];
        rank = new ull[n+1];
        for (ull i = 0ULL; i < n+1; ++i) {
            parent[i] = i;
            count[i] = 1;
            rank[i] = 0;

    ~UnionFind() {
        delete rank;
        delete count;
        delete parent;

    ull root(ull i) {
        if (parent[i] == i) return i;
        parent[i] = root(parent[i]);
        return parent[i];

    void unite(ull i, ull j) {
        ull rooti = root(i);
        ull rootj = root(j);

        if (rooti == rootj) return;

        if (rank[rootj] < rank[rooti]) {
            parent[i] = parent[j] = parent[rootj] = rooti;
            count[rooti] += count[rootj];
        else {
            parent[i] = parent[j] = parent[rooti] = rootj;
            count[rootj] += count[rooti];
            if (rank[rootj] == rank[rooti]) rank[rootj]++;

    bool same(ull i, ull j) {
        return root(i) == root(j);

struct UnionFindM
    M<ull, ull> parent, count, rank;

    ull root(ull i) {
        ull parent_i = get_m(parent, i, i);
        if (parent_i == i) return i;
        return parent[i] = root(parent_i);

    void unite(ull i, ull j) {
        ull rooti = root(i);
        ull rootj = root(j);

        if (rooti == rootj) return;

        if (get_m(rank, rootj, 0ULL) < get_m(rank, rooti, 0ULL)) {
            parent[i] = parent[j] = parent[rootj] = rooti;
            count[rooti] = get_m(count, rooti, 1ULL) + get_m(count, rootj, 1ULL);
        else {
            parent[i] = parent[j] = parent[rooti] = rootj;
            count[rootj] = get_m(count, rootj, 1ULL) + get_m(count, rooti, 1ULL);
            if (get_m(rank, rootj, 0ULL) == get_m(rank, rooti, 0ULL)) rank[rootj]++;

    bool same(ull i, ull j) {
        return root(i) == root(j);

struct BIT
    ll *tree;
    ll size;

    BIT(ll n, ll init) {
        tree = new ll[n+1];
        size = n;

    void init(ll init) {
        memset(tree, 0, sizeof(ll) * (size+1));
        rep (i0, size) {
            ll idx = i0 + 1LL;
            while (idx <= size) {
                tree[idx] += init;
                idx += (idx & (-idx));

    // idx is 1 origin
    void add(ll idx, ll x) {
        assert(idx > 0LL);
        while (idx <= size) {
            tree[idx] += x;
            idx += (idx & (-idx));

    // idx is 1 origin
    ll sum(ll idx) {
        assert(idx > 0LL);
        ll ret = 0LL;
        while (idx > 0LL) {
            ret += tree[idx];
            idx -= (idx & (-idx));
        return ret;

struct MaxFlow {
    V<ll> links[1005];
    ll capacities[1005][1005];
    ll nodes;

    MaxFlow(ll nodes) {
        // i == 0       --> S
        // i == nodes+1 --> T
        rep (i, nodes+2LL) links[i].clear();
        memset(capacities, 0, sizeof(capacities));
        this->nodes = nodes;

    void add_path(ll a, ll b, ll capacity) {
        capacities[a][b] = capacity;
        capacities[b][a] = 0LL;

    ll solve(void) {
        deque<V<ll>> q;
        ll ret = 0LL;

        for ( ; ; q.clear()) {

            V<ll> start;

            bool checked[nodes+2];
            memset(checked, 0, sizeof(checked));

            V<ll> found;

            for ( ; !(q.empty()); ) {
                V<ll> path = q.front(); q.pop_front();
                ll last = path[path.size()-1];

                if (checked[last]) continue;
                if (last == nodes+1) {
                    found = path;

                checked[last] = true;
                for (auto next : (links[last])) {
                    if (capacities[last][next] == 0) continue;
                    V<ll> newpath(path);

            if (found.size() == 0) {
            else {
                ll flowcount = capacities[found[0]][found[1]];
                rep (i, found.size()-1) {
                    ll src = found[i];
                    ll dst = found[i+1];
                    flowcount = min(flowcount, capacities[src][dst]);
                rep (i, found.size()-1) {
                    ll src = found[i];
                    ll dst = found[i+1];
                    capacities[src][dst] -= flowcount;
                    capacities[dst][src] += flowcount;
                ret += flowcount;

        return ret;

template <typename T>
struct SegmentTree {
    T *nodes;
    t2 *ranges;  // [start, end)
    ll nodecount;
    ll itemcount;
    T unit;
    T (*op)(T, T);

    SegmentTree(ll itemcount, T unit, T op(T, T)) {
        ll orig_itemcount = itemcount;
        this->itemcount = 1LL;
        while (this->itemcount < orig_itemcount) this->itemcount *= 2LL;
        nodecount = this->itemcount * 2 - 1;
        nodes = new T[nodecount];
        ranges = new t2[nodecount];
        this->unit = unit;
        this->op = op;

        ll start = 0LL;
        ll end = this->itemcount;
        ll len = this->itemcount;

        rep (i, nodecount) {
            nodes[i] = unit;
            ranges[i] = t2(start, end);
            if (end >= this->itemcount) {
                len /= 2LL;
                start = 0LL;
                end = len;
            else {
                start = end;
                end = start + len;

    void update(ll k, T v) {
        ll idx = k + itemcount - 1LL;
        nodes[idx] = v;
        idx = (idx - 1LL) / 2LL;

        for ( ; idx >= 0; idx = (idx - 1LL) / 2LL) {
            nodes[idx] = op(nodes[idx * 2LL + 1LL],
                            nodes[idx * 2LL + 2LL]);
            if (!idx) break;

    // query to [start, end)
    T query(ll start, ll end) const {
        return _query(start, end, 0LL);

    T _query(ll start, ll end, ll idx) const {
        ll rstart = get<0>(ranges[idx]);
        ll rend = get<1>(ranges[idx]);

        if (start <= rstart && rend <= end) {
            return nodes[idx];
        if (rend <= start || end <= rstart) {
            return unit;
        T left = _query(start, end, idx * 2LL + 1LL);
        T right = _query(start, end, idx * 2LL + 2LL);
        return op(left, right);


void llin(ll &a)

void llinl1(auto &v, ll count)
    for (ll i = 0LL; i < count ; ++i) {
        ll a;

void llinl2(auto &v, ll count)
    for (ll i = 0LL; i < count ; ++i) {
        ll a, b;
        CIN(a >> b);
        v.push_back(t2(a, b));

void llinl3(auto &v, ll count)
    for (ll i = 0LL; i < count ; ++i) {
        ll a, b, c;
        CIN(a >> b >> c);
        v.push_back(t3(a, b, c));

void llinl4(auto &v, ll count)
    for (ll i = 0LL; i < count ; ++i) {
        ll a, b, c, d;
        CIN(a >> b >> c >> d);
        v.push_back(t4(a, b, c, d));

void llina(auto &v, ll count)
    llinl1(v, count);

template <typename T>
T min(const V<T> v)
    T ret = v[0];
    for (auto i : v) ret = min(ret, i);
    return ret;

template <typename T>
T max(const V<T> v)
    T ret = v[0];
    for (auto i : v) ret = max(ret, i);
    return ret;

ll absll(ll x)
    if (x < 0) return -x;
    return x;

ll mod_mlt(ll x, ll y, ll mod)
    ll ret = 0LL;
    x %= mod;

    while (y) {
        if (y & 1LL) {
            ret += x;
            ret %= mod;
        y >>= 1;
        x <<= 1;
        x %= mod;

    return ret;

// O(log(exp))
ll mod_pow(ll base, ll exp, ll mod)
    ll ret = 1LL;

    for ( ; exp; ) {
        if (exp & 1LL) {
            ret *= base;
            ret %= mod;
        base = (base * base) % mod;
        exp >>= 1;

    return ret;

// O(log(mod))
ll mod_inv(ll x, ll mod)
    // available only when mod is prime
    return mod_pow(x, mod - 2LL, mod);

ll gcm(ll x, ll y)
    while (y != 0) {
        ll z = x % y;
        x = y;
        y = z;
    return x;

template <typename T>
void sort(V<T> &v)
    sort(v.begin(), v.end());

template <typename T>
void sort_reverse(V<T> &v)
    sort(v.begin(), v.end(), greater<T>());

void get_divisors(V<ll> &retlist, ll x)
    for (ll i = 1LL; i < sqrt(x) + 3LL; ++i) {
        if (x % i == 0LL) {
            retlist.push_back(x / i);

// returns factors and 1
void get_factors(V<ll> &retlist, ll x)
    for (ll i = 2LL; i < (ll)(sqrt(x)) + 3LL; ++i) {
        while (x % i == 0LL) {
            x /= i;

bool is_prime(ll x)
    V<ll> factors, factors2;

    get_factors(factors, x);

    for (auto factor : factors) {
        if (factor > 1) factors2.pb(factor);

    return factors2.size() == 1 && x == factors2[0];

template <typename T>
void intersection(const set<T> &a, const set<T> &b,
                  set<T> &result)
    set_intersection(ALL(a), ALL(b), inserter(result, result.end()));

ull combination(ll x, ll y)
    if (y > x / 2LL) y = x - y;

    ull ret = 1LL;
    for (ll i = 0LL; i < y; ++i) {
        ret *= x--;
        ret /= (i + 1LL);

    return ret;

ull mod_combination(ll x, ll y, ll mod)
    if (y > x / 2LL) y = x - y;

    ll ret = 1;

    for (ll i = 0LL; i < y; ++i) {
        ret = (ret * x--) % mod;
        ret = (ret * mod_inv(i + 1LL, mod)) % mod;

    return ret;

void make_perms(ll perms[], ll perm_invs[], ll size, ll mod)
    perms[0] = 1LL;
    srep (i, 1, size) {
        perms[i] = perms[i-1] * i;
        perms[i] %= mod;

    rep (i, size) {
        perm_invs[i] = mod_inv(perms[i], mod);

void make_linklist(const V<t2> &srclist, V<ll> dstlist[])
    for (auto src : srclist) {
        ll a = get<0>(src);
        ll b = get<1>(src);

void make_parental_relation(const V<ll> linklist[], ll root, ll n,
                            ll parent[], V<ll> children[], ll level[])
    queue<ll> q;
    bool checked[n+1];

    memset(checked, 0, sizeof(checked));

    checked[root] = true;
    parent[root] = root;
    level[root] = 0LL;

    for ( ; !(q.empty()); ) {
        ll now = q.front(); q.pop();
        for (auto next : linklist[now]) {
            if (checked[next]) continue;
            checked[next] = true;
            parent[next] = now;
            level[next] = level[now] + 1LL;

void make_subtree_sizes(const ll child_count[], const ll parents[],
                        ll subtree_sizes[], ll n)
    ll remain_count[n+1LL];
    memcpy(remain_count, child_count, sizeof(remain_count));

    queue<ll> q;
    srep (node, 1LL, n+1LL) {
        subtree_sizes[node] = 1LL;
        if (remain_count[node] > 0) continue;

    while (!q.empty()) {
        ll node = q.front(); q.pop();
        ll parent = parents[node];
        if (node == parent) continue;
        subtree_sizes[parent] += subtree_sizes[node];
        if (remain_count[parent] == 0LL) q.push(parent);

void get_centroids(const V<ll> children[], const ll subtree_sizes[],
                   ll root, ll n, V<ll> &centroids)
    queue<ll> q;

    while (!q.empty()) {
        ll now = q.front(); q.pop();
        bool is_centroid = true;
        for (auto child : children[now]) {
            if (subtree_sizes[child] > n / 2LL) is_centroid = false;
        if (n - subtree_sizes[now] > n / 2LL) is_centroid = false;
        if (is_centroid) centroids.pb(now);

    assert(centroids.size() == 1LL || centroids.size() == 2LL);


// preprocess for get_common_ancestor()
void make_pow_ancestor(const ll parent[], ll n,
                       ll (*pow_ancestor)[POW_ANCESTOR_MAXSIZE])
    rep (i, n) pow_ancestor[i+1][0] = parent[i+1];

    for (int pow2 = 1; pow(2, pow2) <= n; ++pow2) {
        rep (i0, n) {
            int i = i0+1;
            ll prev = pow_ancestor[i][pow2-1];
            pow_ancestor[i][pow2] = pow_ancestor[prev][pow2-1];

ll get_common_ancestor(ll n, ll x, ll y,
                       const ll (*pow_ancestor)[POW_ANCESTOR_MAXSIZE],
                       const ll level[])
    if (level[x] < level[y]) {
        ll diff = level[y] - level[x];
        for ( ; diff; ) {
            ll bit = diff & -diff;
            y = pow_ancestor[y][(int)log2(bit)];
            diff -= bit;
    else {
        ll diff = level[x] - level[y];
        for ( ; diff; ) {
            ll bit = diff & -diff;
            x = pow_ancestor[x][(int)log2(bit)];
            diff -= bit;

    if (x == y) return x;

    rrep (i, (int)log2(n)+1) {
        if (pow_ancestor[x][i] != pow_ancestor[y][i]) {
            x = pow_ancestor[x][i];
            y = pow_ancestor[y][i];

    return pow_ancestor[x][0];

void kmp_init(const string &pattern, ll kmp_next[])
    kmp_next[0] = -1LL;

    ll plen = pattern.size();
    ll prefix_end = -1;

    rep (suffix_end, pattern.size()) {
        while (prefix_end >= 0 && pattern[suffix_end] != pattern[prefix_end]) {
            prefix_end = kmp_next[prefix_end];
        kmp_next[suffix_end+1] = ++prefix_end;

    kmp_next[0] = 0LL;

// founds ... list of text's idx of match position. start position idx.
void kmp_search(const string &text, const string &pattern, const ll kmp_next[],
                V<ll> &founds)
    ll text_size = text.size();
    ll pattern_size = pattern.size();
    ll text_start = 0LL;
    ll pattern_idx = 0LL;

    assert(pattern_size <= text_size);

    for ( ; ; ) {
        if (text_start + pattern_idx >= text_size) break;
        if (pattern_idx >= pattern_size) break;

        if (text[text_start+pattern_idx] == pattern[pattern_idx]) {
            if (pattern_idx == pattern_size) {
                pattern_idx = kmp_next[pattern_idx];
                text_start += (pattern_size - pattern_idx);

        else {
            text_start += (pattern_idx - kmp_next[pattern_idx]);
            pattern_idx = kmp_next[pattern_idx];
            if (pattern_idx == 0LL && text[text_start] != pattern[0]) {

void z_algorithm(ll matchcounts[], const string &str)
    ll n = str.size();
    ll base_idx = 0LL;
    memset(matchcounts, 0, sizeof(ll) * n);

    srep (idx, 1LL, n) {

        ll checked_len = base_idx + matchcounts[base_idx];

        if (idx + matchcounts[idx-base_idx] < checked_len) {
            matchcounts[idx] = matchcounts[idx-base_idx];

        ll start = max(0LL, base_idx + matchcounts[base_idx] - idx);
        matchcounts[idx] = start;
        srep (cmp, start, n-idx) {
            if (str[cmp] == str[idx+cmp]) matchcounts[idx]++;
            else break;
        base_idx = idx;


    matchcounts[0] = n;

void _debug_print(auto x)
    cout << x << endl;

void _debug_print(const t2 &x)
    ll x1 = get<0>(x);
    ll x2 = get<1>(x);
    cout << "-- " << x1 << " -- " << x2 << endl;

void _debug_print(const t3 &x)
    ll x1 = get<0>(x);
    ll x2 = get<1>(x);
    ll x3 = get<2>(x);
    cout << "-- " << x1 << " -- " << x2 << " -- " << x3 << endl;

void _debug_print(const t4 &x)
    ll x1 = get<0>(x);
    ll x2 = get<1>(x);
    ll x3 = get<2>(x);
    ll x4 = get<3>(x);
    cout << "-- " << x1 << " -- " << x2
        << " -- " << x3 << " -- " << x4 << endl;

template <typename T>
void _debug_print(T xarray[], ll n)
    rep (i, n) _debug_print(xarray[i]);

template <typename T>
void _debug_print(const V<T> &xlist)
    for (auto x : xlist) {
        cout << "-- ";

template <typename T>
void _debug_print(const set<T> &xset)
    for (auto x : xset) {
        cout << "-- ";

template <typename TT, typename T>
void _debug_print(const M<TT, T> &xlist)
    for (auto x : xlist) {
        TT k = x.first;
        T v = x.second;
        cout << "====" << endl;
        cout << "K=";
        cout << "V=";

void _debug_print_time(const char *prefix)
    struct timeval tv;
    gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
    struct tm *tm = localtime(&tv.tv_sec);
    printf("-- %s %02d:%02d:%02d.%06ld\n",
           prefix, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, tv.tv_usec);


void _main();
int main()
    cout << setprecision(12);
    return 0;

void _main()
    string s; CIN(s);
    ll n = s.size();

    ll ans = n;

    rep (i, n) {
        char c1 = s[i];
        char c2 = s[i+1];
        if (c1 != c2) {
            ll len1 = i + 1;
            ll len2 = n - i - 1;
            ll len = max(len1, len2);
            ans = min(ans, len);

    cout << ans << endl;


Submission Info

Submission Time
Task D - Wide Flip
User mjtai
Language C++14 (GCC 5.4.1)
Score 500
Code Size 20208 Byte
Status AC
Exec Time 5 ms
Memory 512 KB

Judge Result

Set Name Sample All
Score / Max Score 0 / 0 500 / 500
AC × 3
AC × 30
Set Name Test Cases
Sample s1.txt, s2.txt, s3.txt
All 01.txt, 02.txt, 03.txt, 04.txt, 05.txt, 06.txt, 07.txt, 08.txt, 09.txt, 10.txt, 11.txt, 12.txt, 13.txt, 14.txt, 15.txt, 16.txt, 17.txt, 18.txt, 19.txt, 20.txt, 21.txt, 22.txt, 23.txt, 24.txt, 25.txt, 26.txt, 27.txt, s1.txt, s2.txt, s3.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
01.txt AC 5 ms 512 KB
02.txt AC 5 ms 512 KB
03.txt AC 5 ms 512 KB
04.txt AC 5 ms 512 KB
05.txt AC 5 ms 512 KB
06.txt AC 5 ms 512 KB
07.txt AC 4 ms 512 KB
08.txt AC 5 ms 512 KB
09.txt AC 5 ms 512 KB
10.txt AC 5 ms 512 KB
11.txt AC 5 ms 512 KB
12.txt AC 5 ms 512 KB
13.txt AC 5 ms 512 KB
14.txt AC 5 ms 512 KB
15.txt AC 5 ms 512 KB
16.txt AC 5 ms 512 KB
17.txt AC 4 ms 512 KB
18.txt AC 4 ms 512 KB
19.txt AC 4 ms 512 KB
20.txt AC 4 ms 512 KB
21.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
22.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
23.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
24.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
25.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
26.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
27.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
s1.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
s2.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
s3.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB